not a cryptocurrency platform (HYIP) but a bitcurrency trading robot- safe


I have recently invested in HYIPs (High Yield Investment Program) and 
have lost several thousand dollars, but I have yet to try 
cryptocurrency trading robots such as Utrading app. I am writing if 
you are interested in the subject of cryptocurrency trading robots 
and would like information on the best one that returns profit and is 
available for US citizens. On the other hand I have lost money to 
HYIP websites and do not recommend sending money to any website.

The website for the best cryptocurrency robot I have found is Utrading is the best because it has the highest 
profits such as 1820% APY and doubling your investment in less than a 

They have a feature called autotrading which doesn't require
expertise, but only to spend money on operational fees for the robot
and no settings are required to buy and sell cryptocurrency. I want to
do the autotrading to get profits without thinking. It requires you
spend money on operational fees before you can press a go button to
launch the robot: "ugas fees are what the operational costs are

I am using the exchange to connect the utrading
robot application to my kraken wallet. It feels safe. I have already
sent $200 for robot operational fees, but I do not want to send
anymore because I don't want to lose my healthcare benefits if my
income increases. So far I have not launched it and have not received
any income. I haven't set it up.

My only fear is if the robot server or website disappears with my
investment. So far I have not invested any money, but am waiting to
put money in the kraken exchange, if I save enough money: "around
$4000 dollars is my goal to save up to before beginning". Utrading
will have access to my money on to buy and sell
cryptocurrency, but will not have access to withdraw it, so it feels

The predicted results below are for a 459% 90 day average return
amount on principal (but I am not sure if the return includes kraken
exchange fees calculated in the profit. The profit could be much lower
if considering exchange fees) and the ranges are for a 2 percent to 10
percent daily return (without knowing if there are hidden fees).

$500 dollars investment returns:

$10 to $50 dollars daily or $300 to $1500 monthly. Predicted average
$765 a month.

$1,000 returns: $1,530 a month predicted. $20 - $100 daily.

$2,000 returns: $3,060 a month predicted. $40 - $200 daily.

$4,000 returns: $6,120 a month predicted. $80 - $400 daily.

$8,000 returns: $12,240 a month predicted. $160 - $800 daily.

$15,000 returns: $22,950 a month predicted. $300 - $1,500 daily.

$30,000 returns: $45,900 a month predicted. $600 - $3,000 daily.

$60,000 returns: $91,800 a month predicted. $1,200 - $6,000 daily.

$100,000 returns: 153,000 a month predicted. $2,000 - $10,000 daily.

$150,000 returns: $229,500 a month predicted. $3,000 - $15,000 daily.

$200,000 returns: $306,000 a month predicted. $4,000 - $20,000 daily.

I have yet to verify the above results with the
application, but believe there are hidden fees and the profits are
less than what is advertised in the returns above because of the
hidden fees. Can you help me verify this is a good investment? I
understand that the USA taxes different from state to state. I intend
to use with and to report taxes
both state and federal. I would like an expert to verify the application is good.

Join using my referral code 2R2ZN4 at the below link and give it a try:

Khan Gorlewski

My email address is: